First Impression Audiovisual B.V. (CoC number: 64847268), First Impression Events B.V. (CoC number: 78123941), First Impression Solutions B.V. (CoC number: 73359874), First Impression International B.V. (CoC number: 82224528), First Impression France SAS (Commercial Register number: Paris B 917 846 834) and First Impression Germany GMBH (Registered at the District Court under number: HRB 18790)
Maidstone 24
5026 SK Tilburg, the Netherlands
In these General Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply:
Delivery/deliver: the actual making available of the goods to the Other Party or the point at which the agreed work is completed by First Impression and the work is ready for delivery;
First Impression: First Impression Audiovisual B.V. and/or First Impression Events B.V. and/or First Impression Solutions B.V. and/or First Impression International B.V. and/or First Impression France SAS and/or First Impression Germany GMBH;
Written/in writing: this also includes by e-mail or any other means of communication that can be equated with this according to the state of the art and generally accepted standards;
Other Party: the other party, not being First Impression. Such party may be a purchaser and/or hirer of goods and/or a client, or may be a party to any other legal relationship with First Impression.
These Terms and Conditions are also stipulated for the benefit of legal entities affiliated with First Impression, the direct or indirect directors and shareholders of First Impression and legal entities affiliated with them. In addition, these Terms and Conditions apply to all persons working for First Impression and affiliated legal entities, including any third parties engaged. They may invoke these Terms and Conditions to the same extent as First Impression.
dditional work will be billed immediately after performance thereof, once the work has been completed by First Impression. Additional work performed is subject to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions in full.
The parties mutually undertake to maintain confidentiality with respect to each other’s information they have become aware of and communication of which to third parties can and may be assumed would prejudice the interests of that party. The party receiving confidential data shall use it only for the purpose for which it was provided. Data is in any case considered confidential if it is designated as such by either party.
All claims made by First Impression against the Other Party are immediately due and payable in the event that:
In the cases mentioned under the second to fifth points, the Other Party is in default. In all cases, First Impression is entitled after default to suspend further performance of the agreement, or to dissolve the agreement or to terminate it with immediate effect, without the need for judicial intervention and without prejudice to First Impression’s right to claim compensation.
The legal relationship between First Impression and the Other Party is governed by Dutch law, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Only the Dutch courts are competent to hear any disputes between First Impression and the Other Party. The court in Breda has exclusive jurisdiction subject to the applicability of Article 93 of the Dutch Civil Procedure Code (Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering). However, First Impression remains entitled to bring action against the Other Party before the competent court of the Other Party’s place of residence.