A good atmosphere in a shop is immediately noticeable, although it is often difficult to pinpoint exactly what causes such a pleasant feeling. Is it the music, the lighting or the routing? You feel the ultimate experience with all your senses. Through the right mix of lighting, music, scent experience and visual content, you subtly stimulate your customer or guest’s senses and make a big, unforgettable impact.
Background music has a stimulating effect on sales. It allows you to control the pace at which customers move through your shop. Fine-tune the music to the visitor target audience, ongoing campaigns or the time of day or season. The right professional hardware and installation guarantee an optimal audio experience .
Good lighting enhances the ambiance, improves the colours and textures of products and increases the overall attractiveness of the space. The result is a much better shopping experience and even longer dwelling time.
The right use of fragrances creates a positive emotional connection with customers. Often they are not consciously perceived, yet the impact of fragrances is enormous. They affect emotions or evoke memories. They enhance the perception of the season or the context in which certain products are used.
Maximum brand experience through the imposing presence of a large screen with appealing content. A video or LED wall gives a sense of dynamism, luxury and exclusivity. High-quality visuals and videos take branding to a new level and give visitors an experience that strengthens their connection with the brand.